General Shuraa Board Request (GBR) may only come from a dues paying, registered voting member at any time of the year. The request may refer to methods of conducting and administering the daily business and operations of Masjid Al-Islam – Dallas, TX, Inc.. Examples may include suggested standard operating procedural requests.

Download the form below for detailed instructions.

General Request Form

An  AD Hoc Request (ADR) may only come from any dues paying registered voting member at any time of the year. The request may reference any newly discovered yet economically unproven impactful subject matter. Examples may include formation of special committees, requests not impacting the general voting membership, matters of personal development, etc.

Download the form below for detailed instructions.

AD Hoc Request Form

A Beacon of Light Facility Use Request (FUR) may come from any dues paying registered voting member at any time of the year. This refers to the usage of building property, rooms, or belongings for non- worship related events or activities. Depending upon the nature of the request, there may be a usage fee charged.

Download the form below for detailed instructions.

BoL Facility Use Request Form

An Emergency Board Request (EBR) may only come from any dues paying registered voting member at any time of the year. The request may refer to issues only of a time frame which if not handled within 5 days may result in a cost increase, physical damage to the property structure interior/exterior or grounds of the Masjid Al Islam Corporation. Examples may include but are not limited to
procuring services for unforeseen events with maximum economic impacts, i.e. leaky plumbing, electrical hazards, etc.

Download the form below for detailed instructions.

Emergency Board Request Form

A Masjid Facility Use Request (FUR) may come from any dues paying registered voting member at any time of the year. This refers to the usage of building property, rooms, or belongings for non- worship related events or activities. Depending upon the nature of the request, there may also be required approval from Imam and/or usage fee assessed for the Administrator to manage.

Download the form below for detailed instructions

Masjid Facility Use Request Form